Practical Information

Editorial Office

Telephone: (+886) (0)2 33663212
Fax: (+886) (0)2 23645452
Editor, Ex-position
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
National Taiwan University
1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road
Taipei 106, Taiwan
106 臺北市羅斯福路四段 1 號
臺大外文系轉 英文期刊編輯室

Journal Information 

Print ISSN: 2663-032X  

Online ISSN: 2709-4103

(ISSN of NTU Studies in Language and Literature: 1018-3914)

DOI: 10.6153/EXP

(DOI of NTU Studies in Language and Literature: 10.6153/NTUSLL) 


Ex-position is indexed/abstracted in EBSCO, MLA International Bibliography, and ProQuest, with information of back issues available in these services. As a revamped journal, we are working to be included in more international indexing databases.

At home, Ex-position is placed in the top tier of humanities journals in THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) operated by the nation’s primary funding body, the Ministry of Science and Technology.

How to purchase an issue

For readers living in Taiwan —

  1. You may purchase a hard copy at our editorial office, for NT$230 per copy.
  2. Or you may place an order via the post office. We share the same post office remittance account with Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly. Please wire money to the following account, make note in the order slip that this is for Ex-position, and email the editorial office at <> after completion of the order. Include your name and mailing address in both the postal order slip and the email.

Postal remittance account (郵政劃撥帳號): 00179651 

Account holder (戶名): 中外文學月刊社

Price per copy: NT$260 (incl. shipping fee)


  1. 親來臺大外文系期刊編輯室購買:NT$230。
  2. 郵政劃撥:NT$260 (含郵資) 。本期刊使用《中外文學》劃撥帳號,請匯款至以上帳戶,並於劃撥單註明「購買 Ex-position」;劃撥完成後請寫 email 知會編輯室 <>。劃撥單及 email 聯繫皆請附上收件人姓名、地址、購買卷期。