First issue of Ex-position published

We are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of Ex-position, or NTU Studies in Language and Literature reinvented. All the articles are available in PDF on the page “Issues.” Hard copies are available for purchase for readers living in Taiwan.

We are sharing the same post office remittance account with Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly. Please wire money to the following account, make note in the order slip that this is for Ex-position, and email the journal at <> after completion of the order. Include your name and mailing address in both the postal order slip and the email.

Postal Remittance Account (郵政劃撥帳號): 00179651 

Account Holder (戶名): 中外文學月刊社

Price Per Issue: NT$260 (incl. shipping fee)



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  2. 郵政劃撥:NT$260 (含郵資) 。本期刊使用《中外文學》劃撥帳號,請依上述指示劃撥,並於劃撥單註明「購買 Ex-position」;劃撥完成後請寫 email 知會編輯室 <>。劃撥單及 email 聯繫皆請附上收件人姓名、地址、購買卷期。